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"Our bodies are our gardens ,

“Yoga is the journey of the self, to the self, through the self.”

The Bragavad Gita








5000 years old spiritual discipline


Deriving from the Sankrit word "yuj", which originally means
"to unite or integrate".

YOGA includes breath control, meditation, harmonizing the body with the mind and the soul through breathing techniques and specific body postures. It is believed that when one is in harmony within, the journey through life becomes calmer, happier and more fulfilled.

The exact history of Yoga is uncertain, because originally it was transmitted orally. The early writing on palm leaved was so fragile they were damaged or lost. It is assumed that Yoga started over 5,000 years ago in Northern India. It was developed by the Indus-Sarasvati civilization. The philosophy of yoga has always been transferred by the Guru (spiritual teacher) to the spiritual aspirant or disciple (student).

The most common types of Yoga are:
Hatha Yoga: Focuses on meditation, and on the physical postures. The goal is to purify the body by controlling its internal stress.
Karma Yoga: The action of helping others, as part of one’s larger self, keeping in mind that God is the Doer.
Bhakti Yoga: The goal is to find love in every living creature, and maintaining an eternal respect to it.
Jnana (Gyana) Yoga: Focuses on the application of discriminative intelligence to achieve spiritual liberation.
Raja Yoga: The highest path of Yoga, immortalized by Bhagavan Krishna, which combines the essence of all the other paths.


Improve metabolism
Increase tolerance
Burn cholesterol
Radiant skin
Anti aging

Sense of happiness
Healthier lifestyle
Anxiety release
Loosing weight
Peace of mind

Relief from chronic illnesses