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“On the secretly blushing cheek is reflected the glow of the heart.”






Extended implant intended to augment both the midface and the cheekbones

Enough ladies looking the same after undergoing impersonalized stereotyped plastic surgeries.

Cheek implants, also known as cheek augmentation, are inserted to enhance cheekbones or to make the cheeks fuller.

Graduated from New York University as a fellow of plastic surgery in 1990, Dr. Husami, MD, Cosmetic, Plastic and hand surgeon, explains that cheek augmentation can make your face appear more youthful, balance your facial features and thus making you feel more attractive.

Every single intervention requires seeking the patient’s needs yet only a skilled cosmetic surgeon can propose the feasibility and present the appropriate advice in order to reach a natural and successful result. Making sure that your doctor is registered in LSPRAS ( is already the first step towards safety.



There are several types of implants available and the choice depends on each specific anatomy.

• Malar: These implants are placed directly on the cheekbones, resulting in more projection to the cheekbones and providing a “higher” contour to the side of the face

• Submalar: These implants provide fuller cheeks, rounding out a gaunt, or sunken appearance. They are intended to augment the midface.

• Combined: A combined implant augmenting both the cheekbones and the cheeks.

Some implants, such as those made from silicone, can be removed later on.
Others integrate with natural bone tissue and become part of the cheek structure.

Cheek augmentation is a highly individualized procedure which should be done when you feel like it, not for someone else or to conform to any sort of ideal image.


• You are physically healthy and at a stable weight
• You have realistic expectations
• You are a nonsmoker
• You are bothered by the appearance of your cheeks
• You have cheeks that are too flat, thin or saggy


Choices include local anesthesia, intravenous sedation and general anesthesia. Your doctor will recommend the choice that suits you better.


A cheek augmentation requires different incisions based on the technique used.
In case of fat transfer, you will likely have a small incision measuring just several millimeters in length near the area of fat that is harvested and small incisions near your cheeks.
If solid cheek implants are used, then the incision is based on your surgeon's preferred approach.
Some plastic surgeons insert cheek implants through an incision inside the mouth, whereas other plastic surgeons perform the operation through an incision under your eyelid.


Your cheek augmentation will result in fuller and possibly softer-appearing cheeks. Some patients find that their cheeks can even appear lifted.
The results of solid cheek implants are permanent, whereas the results from fat transfer may last several years.


After the surgery, some swelling and mild bruising will appear.
Dressings or bandages may be applied to your incisions.
An elastic bandage or compression garment may minimize swelling and support the cheeks as they heal following surgery.
It’s likely that your plastic surgeon will provide you pain medication for a couple of days after the surgery.
You will also probably need to limit some activities for a few weeks.
You can usually return to work and other normal activities within a week.