• Gelato has less fat than ice cream and consumes more milk than cream. Its butterfat content is typically ranging between 5 to 9%.
Therefore, it can have lower levels of unhealthy fats when compared to traditional ice cream.
• Ice cream has a base that includes milk, cream, sugar and typically egg yolks.
Typical ice cream has a butterfat content of 14 to 25%. Unfortunately, the cream and sugar ensure high levels of unhealthy fats, calories and simple carbohydrates.
• Sorbet is made with neither dairy nor eggs; it only contains fruit juice, syrup and water.
Most sorbets are naturally fat-free and usually have less calories. However, sorbet may have higher amounts of sugar than either gelato or ice cream.

The churning process incorporates air and gives the finished product its light and creamy texture.
• Gelato is churned at a much slower rate than ice cream, keeping it dense but more flavorful.
• Ice cream is churned faster and harder than gelato. It typically increases in volume (with air, through churning) by at least 25% and up to 90%, which makes it a little fluffier.
• Sorbet is churned in an ice cream maker and has a similar texture.
Gelato, ice cream and sorbet are served at different temperature which is essential to preserve their smoothness and quality.
• Gelato is normally served at a temperature ranging between -12 and -14 degrees Celsius.
• Ice cream is best served at about -12 degrees Celsius.
• Sorbet display temperature should be as uniform as possible.
The ideal is between minus -14 and -18 degree Celsius.
