Seulemen Pour VIP

“It takes a bee to get the honey out.”
A. Guiterman




The healing treasure
Mānuka honey is the most unique and beneficial forms of honey in the world.

Mānuka honey is produced by European honey bees (Apis mellifera) that pollinate the native Mānuka or tea tree which grows uncultivated throughout New Zealand and southeastern Australia.


Mānuka honey is gelatinous and has the highest viscosity among a range of honeys. It has a typical dark cream to dark brown color.

To be labelled “New Zealand Mānuka honey”, at least 70% of its pollen content should come from Mānuka or tea tree.
The label should clearly carry.
• The UMF trademark.
• The source, New Zealand UMF licensed company.
• The UMF Company’s name and license number.
• The UMF rating number of 5-16+. If it is labeled without the UMF or without a number, then it is not the genuine article.

“Unique Manuka Factor”
UMF is a guarantee that the honey being sold is of a medicinal quality.
UMF is not found in the nectar of all Manuka flowers, only regular Manuka contains the hydrogen peroxide antibacterial property that is common to most types of honey.
UMF5 is not considered beneficial unless it carries a UMF 10+ level of antibacterial activity in the honey.
Anything ranging from UMF10-UMF15 is a useful level and anything UMF16 and up is considered a superior quality.

0-4 Non-therapeutic.
4-9 Maintenance level with general honey health benefits.
10-14 Supports natural healing and bacterial balance.
15+ Superior levels of phenols that are highly therapeutic but shouldn’t exceed taking 1 tbsp at a time.

“KFactor number guarantees the percentage of the Manuka pollen grains present in the honey. “KFactor 12 guarantees 65 %, KFactor 16 guarantees 75%, KFactor 22 guarantees 90%.


• SIBO, Low Stomach Acid, Acid Reflux
Manuka honey is very beneficial at reducing reflux and helping the digestive system to heal stomach and intestinal imbalances.

• Acne and Eczema
Applying daily honey on affected areas for a few minutes and then washing off with gentle soap and water helps reduce skin problems.

• Staph Infections (MRSA)
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (or MRSA) is the bug that has plagued hospitals the past several years,
UK researchers from Cardiff Metropolitan University have discovered that Manuka honey down-regulates the most potent genes of the MRSA bacteria. Some scientists now suggest that regular topical use on cuts and infections (especially in the hospital and nursing home setting) may keep MRSA naturally at bay.

• Burns, Wounds & Ulcers
Because of its rich anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory characteristics, Manuka honey has been shown to prevent infection in people with venous ulcers. It has also been used quite effectively as a wound dressing to promote rapid, improved healing.

• Tooth Decay & Gingivitis
Researchers from the School of Dentistry, University of Otago (Dunedin, New Zealand) discovered that chewing or sucking on a Manuka honey product not only caused a 35% decrease in plaque but also led to a 35% reduction in bleeding sites for people suffering from gingivitis!

• IBS and IBD
Manuka honey not only healed intestinal inflammation and pain, but also repaired free radical damage, and protected against further damage!

• Sore Throats and Immunity
Manuka instantly stops the growth of sore throat and recently it has even been approved by the National Cancer Institute to be used to heal inflammation in the throat from chemotherapy.

• Allergies and Sinusitis
Taking Manuka honey on a regular basis can really help seasonal allergies and lessen need for medications!

• Improves Sleep
Manuka Honey helps to promote restful deep sleep.
It reduces many health disorders associated with poor sleep such as, heart disease, type II diabetes, stroke, and arthritis.

According to WebMD; people allergic to bees should use Manuka honey with caution due to possible allergic side effects.


Sources: WebMed, Manuka honey, Draxe.