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The use of botulinum rejuvenation for cosmetic purposes has increased dramatically over the past few years as more people realize that achieving a fresh, youthful appearance is safe and convenient.

Pioneered for cosmetic use in 1987, botulinum toxin is a purified form of one of the world’s most poisonous substances. It is produced by a bacterium, clostridium botulinum and infection with this bacterium is the cause of botulism. However, when carefully injected by cosmetic surgeons in very low doses, botulinum toxin "type a" is a modern tool that can reduce the signs of aging.
In its natural form the toxin’s effects are much different than the positive medicinal and cosmetic potentials it has in its purified form. Purified botulinum toxin is the first bacterial toxin to be used as a medicine.
Doctors first used botulinum toxin for health conditions and as a muscle relaxant to treat many muscle disorders before realizing its cosmetic potential.

The BOTOX® Procedure
Botox® is the trade name of botulinum toxin "type a".
Botox® rejuvenation is a simple procedure in which cosmetic surgeons carefully inject a low dose of toxin into an individual’s facial muscles, causing temporary relaxation of the injected muscles.
Cosmetic uses for Botox® include treating common signs of aging with botox injections, such as, the horizontal lines on the forehead, vertical lines between the eyebrows and on the bridge of the nose, fine lines or crows’ feet at the corners of the eyes and the muscle bands often visible on the neck.

How does it work?
Botox® is an increasingly popular cosmetic procedure since it is non-invasive and features practically no recovery time. During the botox injections, which takes only minutes, small doses of Botox® are injected into affected muscles. Botox® binds to the nerve endings; blocking the release of the chemical acetylcholine and hindering signals for the muscle to contract. Botox® then paralyzes or weakens the injected muscle and leaves surrounding muscles unaffected.
The muscle then relaxes, creating a smooth surface that lasts about three to four months before the muscle recovers its original strength. Even after the original effects of Botox® are gone the lines that are left behind are not as deep and don’t return to their original severity.

Is it recomended to you?
Ideal candidates for Botox® injections are young to middle age men and women who want to eliminate lines and wrinkles on their face and neck. It is recommended that patients who anticipate having Botox® rejuvenation treatments avoid taking any kind of aspirin or other anti-inflammatory medications before their treatments because these medications can cause patients to bleed and bruise more easily.