Originated in China thousands of years ago, Acupuncture involves the insertion of extremely thin needles in your skin at strategic points on your body.
Traditional Chinese theory explains acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy— known as qi or chi (chee) —through the needling of specific acupuncture points, which are connected by channels known as meridians.
With no less than 23years of experience, acupuncturist and herbalist, Robert Ogilvie is one of the most famous practitioners. Practicing in London and at Le Gray Hotel, Beirut, his treatment goes far beyond the meridian points. "I spend a lot of time evaluating where people are emotionally," he says. "I base my diagnosis on what they say and how they say it. The tone of voice itself tells me a lot."
Channels of energy run in regular patterns through the body’s channels, they irrigate the body (Yang) while blood nourishes the body of principle yin. When the balance between yin and yang is disturbed or obstructed, the energy is blocked. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, Robert Ogilvie believes that the energy flow will re-balance.
The theoretical concepts on which Traditional Chinese Medicine is based can be divided into 5 areas.
I. Philosophical – The Yin & Yang Theory & the “5 Element” Theory.
II. Morphological – Zang Fu (Organ) Theory, Meridian Theory & Theory of Fundamental Substances.
III. Pathological – Theory of Exogenous Pathogenic Factors & Theory of Internal Pathology from imbalances in yin & yang caused by lifestyle or emotions.
IV. Diagnostic – Observation, Questioning, Palpation
V. Therapeutic – Needling techniques, Moxibustion & Herbs.
- Psychological disorders or multiple emotional can be treated by acupuncture, which benefits addictions, phobias, obsessive behavior, eating disorders, and anxiety, most specifically Bipolar and Insomnia disorders in which Robert Ogilvie is specialized along with treating Fertility problems.
- Acupuncture is beneficial in preventing illness from occurring. Treatment strengthens general constitution, and can correct a feeling of being unwell although there is no physical disorder.
- Post-surgical nausea and vomiting can also be reduced. Acupuncture treatment is effective in increasing energy, and brings a sense of vitality.
- It strengthens the immune system function, which through treatment is better able to withstand colds, minor infections, and flu.
- Reduces or eliminate the need to take drug or cigarettes.
- Decreases symptoms of stress and improves circulation.
- Neurological and muscular disorders, headaches, facial tics, neck pain, rib neuritis, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, various forms of tendinitis, low back pain,including paralysis following stroke.
- Eye disorders can be treated, such as Conjunctivitis, nearsightedness and cataracts.
- Respiratory disorders, sinusitis, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, recurrent chest infections.
- Digestive disorders, gastritis and hyperacidity, spastic colon, constipation, diarrhea.
- Premenstrual (PMS) and Menopausal Symptom Relief.
- Reduction of Side Effects of Chemo and Radiation Therapies
When conducted by a qualified practitioner, acupuncture is a very safe method of encouraging the body to promote natural healing and improve function. According to Robert Ogilvie, accurate diagnosis is the key to successful therapy. But once a condition is diagnosed half of the cases are easy to treat, other cases might need some adjustments. Usually five sessions are required.
Robert Ogilvie will be offering sessions at
PureGray Health Club and Spa at Le Gray, Beirut.
Martyrs’ Square, Beirut Central District, Tel +961 1 962 885, |