Young... Successful...
Lebanese VIP

No Heart can be bigger, no determination can be stronger. She secretly fought the worst enemy one can ever had, won the challenge against cancer and rose up like only a royal phoenix can do.
She is crystal clear, yet as solid as gold. She is a fighter by nature a winner by tenet.
She is and always be… The lady of success
Position & Company: CEO at Candlelit. Founder of Wedgwood Lebanon
Degrees: BA in Musical Pedagogy, Lebanese University
Advanced degree in Classical Music, National Conservatory
3 years of theater Diploma, Lebanese University
Age: 35
Status: Married to Samer Kaddouh
Kids: Sam 13 and Samar 10
Hobbies: Music, antiques collecting, traveling
Triggered by the power of love for her children, she decided to take the challenge and run a secret war against a cancer that could have taken her life.
All she could see then was this enemy standing between her and the one she loves most.
Nothing in the world can ever put her apart from her kids. For them and against all odds she embraced hell hiding her suffer, tears and pain.
Her fear of not being able to survive made her live every moment as if it was her last.
She bravely wore her long black hair wig under a 31 degree, sat on a wheelchair pretending an injured leg and shared her kids’ summer activities swallowing her agony which no longer had a bitter taste. At her most critical period, she lifted up her anxious family spreading hope, joy and patience.
Cancer was not an obstacle since at that period she was giving birth to Wedgwood boutique. So far no one in Lebanon has been able to unhook the exclusivity of WWRD distribution, the highly esteemed and prestigious brand.
Between a chemotherapy session and the other, she held her meetings, built alone a bridge between England and Lebanon showing the whole world how patient, intelligent and strong can a Lebanese lady be.
•You are a living proof of surviving cancer with a smile, how did you face it?
I simply didn’t give value to my physical nor moral pain.
•Your worst memory about that period:
My kids feeling unstable and asking questions.
•Now that you overcame cancer, what will be your business next challenge?
My target is to expand in the Lebanese market and educate people more about the English heritage especially that Wedgwood is not just a brand; it is a history by itself. Each of its pieces of art remains valuable to be owned and inherited.
•What is the added value of linking two different civilizations Lebanon and England?
On the patriotic level, I am trying to make Lebanese people conscious of the importance of their heritage taking England’s give great significance to their heritage as an example.