Young... Successful...
Lebanese VIP
Alias “EDY”

In a time where humbleness became inexistent and efficiency turned to be an undercover lie, Edgard (Edy) brings back the hope of missing values and raises high his unwavering visions for a better future.
Rebellious and highly committed to the country he worships, he puts his life and knowledge to the service of Lebanon.
Young yet determined, spontaneous yet meticulous and fearless when it comes to action, he is the self made man, the ultimate decision maker… The man of success
Position & Institutions:
-Executive Assistant to the President at “Casino du Liban”
-BA in Hotel Management
-Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne, Switzerland
Date of Birth:
December 16, 1972
Léa Traboulsi
Paul (2007) Leo (2009) Kelly (2014)
Member of the Party's National Council
Member of the Free Patriotic Movement
Ski, Hiking, Football, scuba diving
Born in Kfar Aaqab, to the war hero and martyr Brigadier General Pilot Paul Maalouf and Souad Keserwani, Edgard, named after his uncle, outgoing member of parliament General Edgard Maalouf, was highly impregnated with his late father’s devotion to the army and inspired by his integrity.
In 1989, still a student at College Notre-Dame de Jamhour, Edgard was driven by the fervent ardor of helping his country. At the tender age of 16, he joined the ranks of "Supporters of the army" (Ansar el-Jaïch).
His eagerness led him to be positioned in the front fire line during the liberation war, triggered by General Michel Aoun, against the Syrian occupation.
This was the first turning point in Edgard’s life.
Despite the battle’s ferocity, he was determined to fight for his country under the commands of the legendary Colonel Georges Khamis, with the firm conviction to embrace the army in the future.
Subsequently, the tragic death of his father on the 31st of January1990, the exact time the war between the Lebanese army and the Lebanese forces erupted, made him give up his project.
Following the completion of his school years in 1992, Edgard passed his 2 months stage in Gruyere then pursued his higher school studies in Lausanne. Throughout his four-year stay abroad, he never missed an opportunity to participate in anti-Syrian protests in Europe, especially in Paris.
His stay in Switzerland didn’t put down the burning fire in him nor the urge to participate in freeing Lebanon from the Syrian occupation.
In 1996, as soon as Edgard came back to his mother nation, he embraced his profession at first in St. Georges’ resort then he got enrolled in the restoration industry, at the Casino du Liban. As an Aounist sympathizer he managed to form a nucleus and led a campaign that won the elections of the establishment’s union employees.
This was the second turning point in Edgard’s political life station.
Step by step Edgard built his career at Casino du Liban, soon after he was promoted to F&B manager then moved on to become assistant to the president, Roland Khoury.
In 2001, Edgard was one of the youth who demonstrated outside the courthouse against the pro-Syrian regime. As a supporter of CPL, he was actively involved in the 2002 Metn Partial Legislative Campaign and the 2005 and 2009 election campaigns.
Today, Edgard has strong visions for a better future and is totally aware that his projects require patience and coordination to be achieved.
Nevertheless, his journey has started by implementing a sanitation infrastructure in the heights of Metn and in Kfar Aaqab, as well as endorsing an efficient sanitation system that will finally connect the villages of Zabbougha and Wadi Al Karm to Sadd Bekaata station.
Amongst his many projects is an urgent improvement of road network infrastructure in order to facilitate the entry and exit of Naccach, Antelias and Jal El-Dib regions.
In parallel, the re-equipment of Dahr el-Bachek hospital (Roumieh) and the creation of dispensaries in the heights of Metn is a project that will provide accessible health care to the citizen.
• The principles that you will never change:
• One thing you can't forgive nor forget? Betrayal.
• What did life teach you?
• You are typically someone who:
Always moves forward without losing faith or hope.
• Your challenge:
Provide the adequate environment to ensure a corruption free-country to the future generation, no matter how long this process will take.
• What cause will you always fight for: Although today is the “equality era” I stand up against injustice and will always be restless towards helping any weak person regardless his gender or age.
• You would like to be renowned for:
A good reputation which is the best legacy that one can be remembered through the coming generation.
• What do you still hold from your father? Mother?
I have inherited the urge to help and serve people from my father, while I owe the sense of sacrifice and extreme affection to my mother.
• One achievement you promise to realize: Being closer to the youth is elemental since they are the future of a better nation. Investing in sports together and exchanging friendly sport games should be the first step towards them.
..................................................................................Mona Sabongi
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