“Be sure you put your feet in the right place,
and then stand firm.”
Abraham Lincoln
Young... Successful...
Lebanese VIP

Where else can lead the fusion of beauty, intelligence, guts and power,but to the perfect woman?
Feminine by instinct, leader by nature, fighter by perseverance, she is every girl’s model, the pride of a whole new generation and the ultimate shield of freedom.
She is the exact interpretation of strength, determination, courage and sacrifice.
With no contest, she is… The lady of success
Institution: Internal Security Forces, Lebanon
Position: Head of the Cybercrime and Intellectual Property Bureau
Degrees: B.E. in Engineering & Master in Computer Science. Lebanese University
Age: 37
Status: Married to Ziad Hobeiche
Kids: Fawzi (7), Angelina (6) and Majd (5)
Awards: Counter Terrorism Coordinator (New South Wales Police -Australia)
JSMT(United Kingdom)
In 2001, a time where only men were designated to accomplish harsh duties, Major Hobeiche was the first woman to join the Internal Security Forces (ISF) in Lebanon.
Out of 25,000 members, only two were female. She was one of them.
Combining her engineering logic and her physical sport powers, she got rapidly familiar with weapons. Technically, nothing could have blocked her way.
She made her first steps in the Intelligence Department within the framework of terrorism. In 2004, she transferred to the Telecommunication Department and also served as a National Security Officer for Interpol in Lebanon.
In 2005 Major Hobeiche was appointed as Chief of the Administrative Department at the Mobile Force Unit. Three years later, she was promoted to Chief of Technical Department in the Counter Terrorism Unit.
Once more she won one of the most difficult disparity challenges by proving female strength and achievements in a man’s world.
She was elected in 2010 Assistant Secretary to the first Female Recruitment Commission in the ISF and in 2011 Chief of the training for the first 600 female trainees.
•The latest achievement you are proud about?
In October 2012, I was assigned as the head of the Cybercrime and Intellectual Property Bureau. This position is the first to be held by a woman in the Middle East.
•Men may be repellent about taking orders from a woman. How do you deal with it?
ISF institution’s values rely basically on respect, which is an ought and a right.
Being trustworthy, firm and up to the level is essential too.
•If you were to take a political responsibility, what would you begin with?
Drafting new laws concerning domestic violence and cybercrime.
•One thing you absolutely despite?
Injustice and discrimination...
•The benefit of introducing female component in ISF?
The Lebanese code clearly avows equality among all citizens regardless of their gender; thus female’s presence in ISF or any governmental institution is normal since they constitute half of our society.