Young... Successful...
Lebanese VIP

She is a fighter in a world where warriors like her are to be highly estimated; perseverance is her every day battle and her aspiration is the incarnation of every woman’s right.
She carries in her heart the torch of justice lightening the abyss of prejudice. Screaming loud the silence of tyranny, she is the lady of courage; she is undeniably … The lady of Success
Position & Organization: Founder of KAFA (enough) Violence & Exploitation
Degrees: Bachelor degree, Business Administration, AUB
Status: Married to Jean Rouhana
Hobbies: Reading, travelling, movies
Zoya has been involved in the fight for women’s rights since the early eighties. Witnessing the frustration and the society gender discrimination awakened in her the kind of revolt that only justice can alleviate. She dedicated her time, heart and spirit to a cause that goes beyond every priority in life, a cause that ensure the stability of a healthy society. Zoya committed herself to civil society’s struggle, lately to KAFA helping fight women and children exploitation and all kinds of violence based on gender.
One of her major achievements is launching and managing the drafting of laws and campaigns to protect women and children from family violence. She has been granted the “U.S. Secretary of State's International Women of Courage award”. Besides her perpetual fight, Zoya’s future plan is to break taboos around different forms of violence perpetrated on women, such as defending the human rights of migrant domestic workers and fighting trafficking in women and children for sexual exploitation.
The Draft Law to Protect Women from Family Violence was opposed by some religious groups and was not passed yet by parliament. What are your fears towards the ratification of this law?
I am afraid that they pass a distorted law that would not provide women the protection needed and consequently, won’t be enough to restrict the acts of violence against women.
Violence can take many shapes from verbal, psychological to physical. Which is the most dangerous and hardest to eliminate in our societies? Psychological violence is the worst since its scares are invisible and hardly heals and is embodied in all other forms of violence.
How important is raising awareness against domestic violence and women rights in our Lebanese schools?
It is important to work with the young generation to start changing the social stereotypes and raising their awareness on the principles of human right. We are already coordinating with some schools some activities for their students. This step will protect the generations to come from either being abusers or from being abused. We also have a program on child sexual abuse.
One thing that you are really proud about?
Breaking the silence on violence perpetrated on women.
A won challenge:
State recognition of the “violence against women” phenomenon