Young... Successful...
Lebanese VIP

Motivated by his dreams, lifted up by faith and patience, armed with knowledge and notorious for his tenacity, Assaad made “hard work” his everyday battle...
Choosing discretion towards flash lights he is utterly a man of tenacity… Man of Success
Position & Company: General Manager of GPN holding and OMG
Degrees: BA in Economics USJ
Masters in Economics – Industrial & Commercial
Age: 41 years
Kids: George (12 years)
Hobbies: Travelling, basketball, snow-mobile
Assaad was only in his mid-twenties when he and his brother started a publishing business in 1994. Working hard on developing their capacity and knowledge in the field, they finally started their successful story in 1996 when the now notorious Mondanité magazine first came out, reckoning there was a need for an upscale social magazine for an upscale society. To date, Mondanité is the top publication in this niche, continuing to inform and entertain its readership like no other.
Today, Assaad is the general manager of GPN holding, a company specializing in publishing, in Lebanon and the Middle East, also known for producing Mondanité in several countries in the region.
He is also the general manager of OMG, a company branching in various sectors, including in outdoor and indoor billboard signage, steel industry and printing, in Lebanon, the Gulf and Africa.
His responsibilities are the day to day management that includes an overview on the business and coordination between the different departments and companies. And in those areas, there is no substitute for talent and experience.
• One thing you would change about yourself ? I would try to be less impulsive.
• In front of a great decision, you would rely on your Intuition? Faith in God? Mind?
I would definitely rely on my faith in God, but also on my intuition.
• How far would you follow your convictions? To the end.
• What did life teach you?
Life has taught me a lot so far, and there are still plenty lessons to learn, but if
I have to focus on one lesson, I would say “tolerance”.
• What cause will you always fight for? Justice
• What is the main reason of your success?
I would summarize my accomplishments in three words: positivity, belief and perseverance.
• If you were to take a political responsibility, what would you work for?
I would definitely put emphasis on Education.